If you decide to try C'YaPass, you do not have to immediately migrate all of your accounts to use the app. You do not have to use C'YaPass for every account that you use. Instead, you can try it with one password and see if it makes things easier for you.
Once you no longer have to type that password I'm sure you'll be convinced, as I have, that using C'YaPass is far easier than memorizing and typing all those passwords you have to deal with.
Your Passwords Are NOT Stored Anywhere (For Your Protection)
Keep in mind that your password is never stored anywhere. Not on your device, not in the app and not in The Cloud either. Instead, with C'YaPass your password is always generated. You can read more about that on this site.
Some Passwords May Be Easier To Type
Maybe you have one particular site that you log into to numerous times a day. Maybe you decide you'd rather type that one each time. With C'YaPass you can do that. You can allow C'YaPass to manage any number of your accounts : you can try it with one, a few, many or all of them.
Everything You Need
All you need is the application available to you one each of your devices.
Of course, C'YaPass is free on all three major platforms (Windows, iOS, Android).
Multiple Devices, Just Download To Each One
If you have multiple devices, that's okay too, just download the free app for each of your devices.
I have it installed on my laptop (my main computer), my Kindle Fire, my Samsung (Android phone) and my iPad Mini 3.
Here are the links so you can easily get the software.
You can get the Windows version here at this site (just click the Get C'YaPass menu or follow this link: http://cyapass.com/page/get-c-yapass^
iOS / iPhone / iPad
The iOS (iPhone / iPad) version is available for the first time today (12.08.2016) in the App Store at:
You can also get the Android version in the Google Play store at: